I think Lock represents genres such as house music older music styles and the genres that are used in house music such as disco, funk, R&B etc. I chose this name for a station of that genre, because when i was designing the logo for Lock the first idea that came to mind was a lock and a key. After I had that idea for the logo design I then decided to make the station play house music because houses have locks on their doors. In short the decision of what genre music to give to this particular station, was made mostly from a creative design decision.
My target audience for this radio station is a older audience compared to my other two stations. This age range would be people around the ages of 28 to 35 years. The reason I chose this demographic is because the people in that age group were younger and were into these upbeat styles of music like disco, funk and jazz music. In short the people in the age range I've chosen would be a younger age when these styles would be more popular.
To appeal to the target audience I made the logo for this station look eye catching. I did this by giving it bright colours; in the case of this ident the colour was bright yellow. I also added the outer glow around the logo itself so it can be eye catching and bright. Also I did this so it can link to the club like feeling with the bright lights and colours; with the bright yellow showing the upbeat and youthful nature of the station and the music that they'll be playing. I added this choice because clubs are where music styles of house music such as disco can be played.
I think the main competitor for Lock would stations like Heart. I say this because Heart and other stations play similar music during that time of day, that music being: club music, and older popular songs.Our station is trying to have a similar audience of people who enjoy listening to these songs when they were younger; as a way recapturing the youth of our older listeners.
When creating this logo on Photoshop I wanted to create to something simple and yet eye catching and appealing. I did this by coming up with a simple and yet creative concept with the Lock logo and having the key on the edge of the word Lock. This would give a good understanding of what genre of music the station would be playing, which is house music. This way it would appeal to the 25-35 year old target audience who enjoy that type of music and have a good time listening to it. I then added the bright colours and the outer glow so it’ll be eye catching and the target audience could draw the connection to club music, by having the bright lights and colours.
First of all I started to find a suitable font from Dafont.com. I looked for different style for fonts that was a: club like disco style. In the end I found a font called Buzz saw, which suited the club style very well; I used this font in the two other logos I was making as part of the course. I did this decision so I could show that all three logos were connected with each other. After I downloaded the font onto Photoshop I then typed Lock onto a blank document, coloured the word Lock in bright yellow; I then changed the size thickness of the word itself until I had at the right size I wanted it. After I've finished with the logo word I moved on the rest of the logo.
I took an image of a key from Google images and copied then it onto Photoshop. After that I changed the size and width of the image, making it smaller and wider to match up with the Lock word, i linked the two shape layers together and changed the colour into having the same bright yellow colour the word Lock had. I made it bright yellow in order to make the logo eye catching and to match it to the colour commonly known for keys in drawing and cartoons. With said colour scheme being used to reflect the lively personality of the station.
I then used a circle and a triangle from Photoshops custom shapes tool and used them to make a key hole shape, i then coloured both shapes black and then placed the finished shape over the O. Next i then added a thick
line under the logo in order to make the logo look neater. This was also made with the custom shapes tool selection on Photoshop, i then
adjusted the size, width and length until the logo looked right. After i
did that i coloured the line yellow to match the logo.
After I got my feedback from my audience I added a small house in the L in Lock in order to make sure the style of music was made clear to the audience. I made the house using different shapes from the Photoshop custom shapes tool which included: squares, triangles and other shapes in order to make the house. To finish of I made the house a black colour and then added the white door.
As with my previous two logos, I'm very pleased with how the logo came out after drawing the design on paper. I'm very glad that the key and Lock word matched up together as if it's part of the key. I feel it came out looking very well when compared to the design i've drawn on paper. Since starting the creation of my logo it on Photoshop, I've added extra features to the design. The main new feature I've added to the design is the small house inside the L in Lock. This was added after my target audience commented that this logo wasn't to clear about what listeners of a certain genre of music the logo was aiming for. So in the end; i made the house and added as part of the logo, in order to make the advertising of its genre more clearer.
When i asked my audience for feedback on the logo they said it fits well with the club sort of genre; which house music borrows elements from. The audience also said they liked the brightly coloured logo itself because it makes the logo stand out and is very bright and eye catching. Also they said that it reminds them of the bright lights which can be seen at discos. But as i mentioned before they didn't know what exact genre the logo was aiming at when i first gave them the logos out for assessment, this lead my to add the house to make the genre of choice more clearer. That was In short the audience did agree that this logo did fit well for the genre. But needed some more indication of the genre; which was added later on.
During these lessons when i was creating my logos on Photoshop i have developed some of my Photoshop skills. First of all I've developed some of my editing skills on Photoshop with tools like the lasso and the magic wand making of my work look neater. Also I've improved my skills of using layer filters in terms of changing colours and brightness. Not only that but I've developed some of my skills of identifying genres for the station options i was given, and to create and develop ideas solely based on those station names and what i could figure out from the names i was given for the stations. Such as genre, style of music etc.
This logo compares to the other two logos I've created in two major ways: The first feature is the font I used, and the second design feature is the design that the logos use. The design and look is used by all three logos, which includes the name of the radio station, and a shape representing the name; such as pulse having a pulse line, and Lock having a key at the end of the logo.I also kept the font of each of the three logos the same so it can be clear that all the logos are connect with each other as they are meant to be.
If i was to add anything new to the Lock logo in order to improve it, i would've added a background, to be exact i would choose a dark coloured back ground like black or a dark blue. The reason i would add this to my logo is so the bright colour yellow of everything in the logo could stand out further against the dark background colours. Also after completing the logo i found out the tone of the key was darker compared to the Lock word. It is an massive problematic difference; but it would look much better if the tones stayed consistent with each other.
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