Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Vox Pop discovering’s:

Vox Pop discovering’s:

As part of the research for my advert I had to conduct a Vox Pop video where I directly talk to members of the target audience I will be aiming for, in this case teenagers. I gathered a small group of people to record on camera, and asked them questions. This document will be going over the answers they gave me.

Firstly I asked how they would keep safe online, and how they do so. Each of the people involved answered by saying how they look into the profile of someone who adds them as a friend on a social networking site, and to ignore them if they’re a stranger. Alex (one of the people featured in the video) said she uses privacy settings to make sure people don’t hack into her account or see her private infomation.

I then asked them what social networking sites that they use to communicate with friends. All of them said they use Facebook and Twitter. But Alex and Eileen both said that they use Instagram as a site to communicate with their friends. However Isaac didn’t say Instagram as a site that he uses; however he did say Snap Chat was an app he uses to talk with his friends online.

I asked the people featured what they thought a social message campaign was. Alex and Eileen both said how they are used to promote information and safety to the public via advertisments. Where as Isaac didn’t seem to know what a social message campaign was. As he thought it was when information was spread to people via the Internet, during the final question he even admits he didn't know what a social message campaign is.

Finally I asked the group what would be seen and featured in a social message campaign. This question ended up confusing Eileen and Isaac as Eileen mentioned how she wasn't to sure for the content of a advert like this. However she mentioned how it will contain information on how to keep people safe and aware of certain issues. Alex mentioned a similar idea of giving advise to the viewer, in terms of how combat and cope with the issue that's being addressed. Similar with Isaac as he mentioned that the aim is to spread information to the viewers and target audience that is being aimed towards.

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