Thursday, 22 January 2015

Focus Group discovering's:

Focus group discovering’s:

After completing my filming session of the focus group, here is what I’ve leaned from these members of the group.

Firstly when asked the group about how they keep safe online, they mentioned how they don’t give out any personal information (passwords, addresses, phone numbers etc.) and also that they look into the websites and accounts they go into. An according to the members of the group, these methods have worked effectively for them.

Secondly i asked the group if they talked to a stranger while online. Out of the four people in said group, half of them have admitted to talking with a stranger online. They said they did this through networking to meet new people in a 'controlled' chat room. The other two members of the group said they've haven't done this. 

Thirdly three of the four people that were in the group said they have never been cyber bullied, while one of the people in-group admitted that, she had bullied someone online. She did this by making fun of someone on a website called ‘putt penguin’ was later reported by the website.

Fourthly I asked the group weather they have given out personal information to people online. Everyone within the group responded by saying yes, in which they admitted to giving out information such as credit card details and email addresses to certain websites. But they’ve only done this to websites that are used for online shopping such as Amazon and PayPal in order to order products online via the web.

And finally I asked the group weather they have met up with someone they have talked to online. While the group did answer yes to the question, they then went into detail of that they’d only meet with said person if they had done the following before hand: 
  1.      Speak with the person via websites such as: Facebook and Skype over a long period of time.
  2.      They would meet with said person in a public place during broad daylight.
  3.      If this person was friends with or knew someone they themselves were friendly with.
  4.      They would meet up with said person if they felt the person was ‘legitimate’ and if they had spoken face to face online.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Three animatics:

Animatic one:
The idea of this advert was to have a vox pop talking head style, in which 4-5 characters explain their issues and experiences with cyber bullying. But near the end of the clip, they explain how the issue of online bullying can be dealt with; by simply reporting and blocking the bully in question.

Animatic two:
The basic idea of this advert is of a young person receiving abuse from cyber bullying; as we see the person being called names and generally mocked by the people sending said messages. By the end, the character of the piece decides that in order to fight the problem, he blocks the person sending him these horrible messages.

Animatic three:
Finally in this advert, a narrator explains how young people can be effect and how the messages sent to them can emotionally effect them, as seen in the event in the clips. But as the events are happening, the narrator of the piece (the fellow in the suit) helps our featured young person by telling him how simply blocking and reporting the bully in question can resolve the issue of personal cyber bullying.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Production research summary (Advert):

The budget for the production of my advertisement will be £1,500. In which the money will be used to hire: cameras, tripods, actors, the location to film on, the computers to edit with along with the software itself. 

I found out that an, 'Nikon D700' camera would be the most efficient camera to used; this is because this type of camera captures footage professionally and clearly, this will make the overall footage look appealing and interesting for the viewer. I've also chosen this type of camera, because of the weekly hire price is £75. I will be shooting this advert for around three weeks, the total amount would be  £225.

Also I researched a range of tripods  to use at a cheap hiring price. I've chosen to use a tripod called the 'Vinten Pro5'. The reason for this is due to the hire price for this tripod for week would cost £65, I given how i would be filming for three weeks; the total price comes down to £195, in order to hire for the said three weeks.

I decide to use a 'MacBook Pro laptop' for the editing software of, 'Final cut Pro. This will cost £99 per week. The end price £297 for using the software for three weeks for editing. In short I've picked this laptop in order develop and piece together my finished advert.

I found out that hiring actors for the advert will be expensive, this is because hiring one actor will cost £75 per hour. That's why i have decided to use a small amount of actors; ranging around four to five characters. Costing: £375 in total.

Hiring a location, such a classroom or a drama studio will cost £22 per week, Given how i'll be shooting for three weeks. Hiring three different classrooms will bring me to a total of £198 (one room costing £66).

The final cost to hire all the equipment, actors and locations to use for my advertisement will be £1,290. With my total budget being £1,500 leaving me with £210 left over for further equipment or re-shoots. As for the where abouts of where to get the equipment, i had done my research through sites such as media dog hire. This is where i found the prices i have mentioned throughout text, so this would be a good place to get the stuff i will need and use for the production of the video.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Uploading my work (Music video):

Once my music video was finished and then exported my work, afterwards i then uploaded both of my first and second drafts of the music video up onto Youtube; in order for it to be viewed by my client. I uploaded the video under the Youtube channel 12DMV2013. In order for my client to view the video in question, i uploaded it to Youtube in order to copy the embed code from the uploaded video onto another blog post. That way both drafts of the video can be viewed and assessed from there by my cilent.

Exporting my work (Music Video):

Once my music video was finished and edited together, i then exported the footage. I did this on Adobe Premiere by clicking the file tab at the edge of the software page, i then selected the Media option which lead to another option named "Media". A option menu popped up. Whilst it was up i selected the format of the video which was called Quicktime; this is the software that the video will be played on the computer.  The next option to select was the Preset (the quailty of the video) in which i selected HD 720p 24 H.264. Finally i typed into the final option, the output name. In which i named it "Kenny Colliver Music Video". In which the file was then turned into an MP4 file in a chosen file on the computer i was working on.

Paper Edit of music video:

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Advert budgeting.

Upon completing the planning and story-boarding for my advertisement, To begin with I've started to think about what were the essential elements and people needed for the production of the advert itself. But also i have done some research into the prices for the possession of these items.
This included: 
  • Props to be featured.
  • The payments to hire our actors.
  • The price to hire the locations to shoot in.
  • The equipment in order to shoot our scenes.
  • And the software needed to put the footage together with.
For starters, i looked at the prices of the camera we would be hiring for this production. The brand I've chosen to look into was the Cannon EOS make of cameras. As the second screen grab shows, there many different models of the Cannon camera each ranging different prices when it comes to the payment for hiring said camera.
I then moved onto researching a different make of camera, this time the Nikon SLR camera. As like the previous make, this camera has different model versions along with the different prices that the cameras cost in order for them to be hired by me and my team filming this advertisement. In the end i decided to go with the Canon brand of cameras, due to their lower price of weekly time while being hired out compared to the Nikon cameras.

Next on my list of equipment needed was a tripod to mount on to our camera. I have conducted research into a tripod that will be able to keep the shot stable and clear. However i wanted it at reasonable low price while hiring it for the days we'll be filming on. One of the cheapest tripods to use was the Vinten D700; which was priced at £45 per week of shooting. Which would be reasonable for our cause.
I've figured out that the price to hire a Mac Pro with Final Cut editing software would cost us £38. However in order to hire a MacBook Pro Laptop with Final Cut 7 it would only cost £25. I decided to go for the cheapest option; that being the MacBook.

As you can see from this screenshot below, this is the prices of hiring the editing software required to put the advert together. But also the time i will be paying for and where i would be editing the footage. That way this gives me a taste of what i will have to work with during the editing process.

I then decided to look at the cost that will be needed to hire the actors required for the advert. Upon doing this I've learned that some actors would ask for prices of £200-£600 for their services on set. This would also count for working during shorter filming days.

Finally i continued with the research of the hiring prices and cost of the sets that are to be featured in this advert. The advert will be filmed in five different class rooms at a local high school. I researched in to the prices to hire these said rooms and; this was the result of my search. Looking upon the numbers and prices in the graph, the prices set out do look reasonable for a price for us to pay.