Thursday, 11 December 2014

Using our planning documents (Music video) :

During filming i used the storyboards to decide what the shots should look like. While filming we went to the location with the props that would be needed. We then looked at the storyboard shoot for this scene; we then placed a prop, the camera or an actor into a position that would match what the frame looked like to the best of capabilities.

Risk Assessment:
Whilst filming on locations, i and the people i was filming with used the risk assessment to help us keep safe on our location shoot. Before starting to film i wrote about the risk that could be faced out o location: Rain, knocking over equipment etc. I went through these safety tips with my partner. We then looked around to see if the amount of people would ruin the shoots or take equipment (neither of which happened) we looked at the weather and judged whether i could cause problems (aside from the wet ground, it didn't). Given that we were doing a lot of shoot of us running, we made sure our cameraman moved the camera further enough to see us, but also so it doesn't get hit by the camera.

Shooting schedule:
In order to help with the filming, i used the shooting schedule to help arrange when and where to shoot at, and who to bring to the location shoot.

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