Monday, 8 September 2014

Music Video Proposal and Risk Assessment.

Risk Assessment:

Existing Control Measure
Risk Rating
Tripping over the wires of equipment.
Tape down the wires to the walls and floor, and to move the wires away from the set so the performers can’t trip over during the shoot.
Knocking equipment over.
Keep equipment such cameras, lights and over such objects at a far enough distance in reasonably large space.
Equipment being stolen, if filming in public.
Keep a close watch on all objects you bring when filming; whether you filming a shot or not. Or have someone else who isn’t meant to be filmed watch over everything.
Space awareness on set
Make sure there is enough space for you, your actors and equipment such as the camera to fit in the space. If it’s a small space, use as little stuff as possible. If you have a lot to use, find a larger space.
Interaction with the public
When filming in public, find a non-crowded area so nothing can interfere with your shot or damage any props or your camera.

Risk rating:

High: Current controls totally inadequate with serious consequences, death(s), serious injury, long term illness, health. Or there is a very high probability of the hazard occurring.

Medium: Current controls still poor but consequences less serious: Minor injury, short term ill health with no lasting effects.

Low: Current controls are adequate to minimise the risk so far as reasonably practicable.

A risk assessment is used to analyse the health hazards that can occur during the filming process, and also how they can be avoided to prevent injuries.  



A Music Video


Prepared by
Kenny Colliver
Attack Promo

Copyright ©2014 


Prepared by
Kenny Colliver

This must be written in full sentences. Please delete anything in italics.
Write between 120-200 words

Paragraph 1
  • I intend to direct and produce a four minute long music video; this will be used to promote the song that’ll be using called Survival. 
  • We intend to aim to our target audience by having our artist, performers and actors in casual fashionable clothing to able to a young teen audience. We can also aim to that same audience with the upbeat energetic music that the song has, to seem youthful and active.

Paragraph 2
  • State the concept/brief overview. The main concept of the video is of a man training for a race against another person, with the race happening during the middle of the video. While this is going on, the scene will cut back and forth between different shots of the artist performing with their instruments.
  • For a music video - State how you intend to represent the artist/s.  This video will represent the artist as strong, tough and as a champion as the video will show.

Paragraph 3
  • One shooting day will be in a studio; and the two of the other shoots will be on location. The first being in the middle of a field in a public park, and the other will be filmed on set in a gym.  
  • In terms of costumes, we’ll be using sports where such as tracksuits. The main prop we’ll be using will be musical instruments such as: guitars, microphones, bass guitars etc.

Paragraph 4
  • The main artist (which is me) will be featured in the video, but I will also be getting other people to fill roles, and I’ll be getting people to play the instruments on camera.
  • My video isn't a documentary, so I won’t be interviewing anyone. 

Paragraph 5
  • To produce the product we’ll be using Final Cut pro as our editing software, while editing the video and Mac computer.
  • The approximate budget we’ll be using for this video will be roughly around £20 or less to produce the finished product.
A proposal is used to give a company an idea of what the project your filming is; e.g documentary, film, music video etc. It also explains how will be in the project, what will be needed during the making process, where you'll be making it; and finally it also explains how much money it will cost to make, while giving details of what will be bought at what cost.

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