Thursday, 19 March 2015

Advert self evaluation report:

Advert self evaluation report:

The aim for this advert is to promote anti bullying, prevention of cyber-bullying and the means for teenagers to fight both of these issues; along with aiming said advert to a teenage audience. I achieved these aims by showing the effects and solutions to these problems and the effects people face with these issues in the advert itself.

In order for this advert to appeal to the specific audience of teenagers, i would need to use people with in that age range and target audience in order to appeal to that said audience i was aiming for; in this case young people. In which all five of the people that were featured in the finished advert are all teenagers themselves, around the ages of 17 and 18.

If i was to change anything from the finished advert, i would have had the teens featured to perform their lines better, doing it with more energy to their voices, along with some of the clips could have been spoken clearer. I also could have used to a more diverse cast with more female teens to be featured in the finished advert, rather than the four male teens and the one female in the group.

The advert uses a talking head style of advertisement, as seen with the use of the five teenagers present in the advert. There is also the use of emotional response given the somber tone brought on by the actors tone of voice and the music we use during the begining. In which a more dramatic style was being used.                                                                                                                                

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