Thursday, 12 February 2015

New music for advert:

For my social message campaign assessment, i was asked to make the advert promoting anti cyber bullying. In which i had produce a first draft of said advert and uploaded it to Youtube.

In the original draft of the video, i included a gloomy music track called 'Anguish' in order to reflect to tone of a serious subject such as cyber bullying. I picked this track and left it to run throughout the duration of the advert (35 seconds) until the end. However when i was given feedback on the first draft, one of the first things to change was the music. Mainly to change the track near the end where the characters featured in the advert are giving advise on how to combat the issue of cyber bullying (that would be around the 15 second mark of the video).

In search for a new track to take up the remaining space after that point, i went to a website called: Royalty Free Music; which is the site where i found the first track that was used during the advert's first draft. I then went on to look for happy and upbeat music in order to fit the description of the given feedback sheet. In my search i ended up finding three different upbeat tracks to use.

The three tracks: 'Carefree', 'Gonna Start', 'Montauk Point'.
The last one was the track that i ended up picking for the second draft that will soon be going into production. I put the track 'Montauk Point' into my my first draft in editing, and the two ended up going well with each other. But also with the fade in transition i've added, the two music tracks the advert uses blend well together.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Anti-Bulling advert draft one:

Feedback on draft one: 
After uploading the first draft of my advert, i was given feedback in order to improve the video for its second draft. I was told that the script was excellent, along with the use of cross cutting.

In terms of improving the advert, I was told to reshoot both of the main shoots of the interviews. Mainly because the first one featuring me needed to be better framed to show the top of my head. While the second clip needs to be reshot because it was clear that Lewis (the actor featured in this scene) looks like his reading the lines from the script while in front of the camera. In order to improve this mistake i will be reshooting the clips featuring me. But also i will be filming using more people; in which the advert will feature each line of the script said by a different person on screen. To show of more of the point of how a lot of teenagers are cyber bullied.

Finally the last improvement i was asked to make was to change the music. I will need to keep the dark gloomy music at the start of the advert, but when the people featured in the advert start giving advise to fight online bullying. The music will become more upbeat and happy. So now the main goal is to find suitable music that isn't too upbeat compared to the music track this will follow on from.