During the process of making the ident, me and my filming partner Gary had to make props before we could start the filming process. For starters, we had to make a record player along with a spinning vinyl on top. We did this by drawing sections of the player itself, such as the base and the vinyl on to card. We then cut out each section and glue each piece together, such the parts that made the base more 3D. We then made a hole on the top of the base, and stuck a paper clip under the hole; this was used so the vinyl could spin.
We then went and drawn some music notes that would come out of the record player. We then drew some letters that would be formed by the music notes. We then drew four to five bubbles that would fit around the letters, when they would become part of the grid logo.
Once we had drawn and cut out all of these props we would be needing, we then started to animate them using a stop motion technique. This included placing each object into one position, and then moving them slightly into a different place as if they were moving into that position on their own. We took photos of each time we moved the object. We then shortened the time of each photo during the editing, so that the timing was brief. We then put them all together in one sequence, and then added the sound effects and music.
Friday, 23 May 2014
My choosen msuic video idea:
During 23rd May i pitched my three music video ideas to my client; instead of choosing one idea for my music video, me and my teacher decided that two of my more successful ideas that i came up with. We decided that the first two ideas i came up with would work better with the song. So we decided to keep the plot of the first idea of having the narrative being about a man training and winning a race.
Me and my client combined it with my second idea, of having a band performing in sports related locations such as: gyms, training fields etc. The footage of both ideas will be spliced with each other, cutting back and forth from each other through out the video during the editing. But also i need to expand on the rivalry between the two people in the race, by adding new shots of both people, clearly showing that they're enemies. This will be done during the proper story boarding of the video.
Me and my client combined it with my second idea, of having a band performing in sports related locations such as: gyms, training fields etc. The footage of both ideas will be spliced with each other, cutting back and forth from each other through out the video during the editing. But also i need to expand on the rivalry between the two people in the race, by adding new shots of both people, clearly showing that they're enemies. This will be done during the proper story boarding of the video.
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Music video shots
Live Band:


Real music video screen shots:

Live Band:


Real music video screen shots:
I believe these shots are vital for my music video ideas, because they'll help reflect on the tone of the song that is used in the video, like the screen grabs of the videos i found clearly show. But also it'll help to establish who the artist is, what they look like and also who is in the band and what they do. Such as the guitarist, bassist and drummer
Music track lyrics

Music track I've choosen
The song I've chosen for my music video is Survival by Muse. I've decided to use this track, because the song is every energetic and upbeat. Along with very good vocals and instrumentals. In short this could combine to gain a large number of potential to do a music video on this song.
In terms of music videos for rock music, these are some of the conventions that can be found. One being that the band or singer that performs the song will be present in the video. The most popular convention of this genre, will be that the artist will perform in the video; whether it'd be as a musician or an actor playing a part. Also the imagery will reflect the tone in some way. For example a more dark song will have a more darker colour palate; while a more light hearted song will have a brighter colour scheme. Finally the editing to a rock music video will be at a very fast pace, depending on the pace of the song, or a particular section of the song.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Media Music video Homework
Chase: This video will have a narrative to follow, in this case the video focuses on a criminal escaping from a policeman. This will be the focus of the majority of the video, which will end with the person escaping. I've chose this idea in order to illiterate on certain lyrics of the song. Such as: "I chose to stay alive, whatever it takes". But also it further covers the meaning doing what it can to succeeded in a task.
Market Research-Existing Products.
- The advertisement is for support against bullying.
- One of the techniques used in this advert is the use of overt messages. This is clear with the narration at the end of the advert saying that words hurt.
- The style of this advert is done every dramatically, however the footage on screen is surreal given that the main focus of the advert (the girl being bullied) is being attacked by words.
- The form used in this advert is a anti-realist narrative, given how exaggerated the footage on screen is.
- One of the conventions of advertisement that can be seen is the use of a slogan. But also there is the use of emotional response for the audience.
- The target audience for this advert is aimed for children and teenagers. I can tell this is the audience the advert is aiming for, because all four of the actress's featured in the advertisement are all teenagers.
- This advert is for safer driving, to be exact it's telling the viewers to drive while wearing a seat belt.
- The techniques this advert uses is the use of emotional responses, we can tell this due to the imagery on screen. This is used in order to show a the viewer what happens if you do use a seat belt while driving, and to imagine what would happen if you didn't
- The style f this advertisement is very serious and dramatic. Which has been done in order to further prove the point the advert is making.
- The form of the advert is a anti realist narrative, this is due to how exaggerated and over the top the imagery on screen is.
- The first conventions of this advertisement that can be seen is the use of a slogan. There is the use of emotional response for the audience. The advert also uses music in order to add the dramatic effect it's going for.
- The adverts target audience is all people including adults, this is because the main three actors featured are two adults and a child. But also it's to show that this action of keeping your seat belt on can help everyone in a car.
One of the techniques used in this advert is direct address to the viewer; such as the message of don't drink and drive.
This advert is done in a very serious style and tone. This we can tell due to the lighting and how serious the bar tender is acting during the advert.
The form of advertisement that is used during the video is the use of advert is a story line. We can tell this because it starts out in a bar; and the dialogue explains what could happen next. Getting pulled over by the police, taken to the station and having your license taken away.
This advert uses the conventions of slogans and logos, both of which are shown at the end of the advert.
The audience for the advert is adults, given the rules and laws of drink driving affects adults, and that the two main actors are both adults.
This advert is for blood donations, and we someone should become blood donater.
One of the techniques used by this advert is the use of overt messages, such as the message of give blood in order to save someones life.
The style this advert uses is a surreal and conceptual style, this is clear given the imagery seen on screen.
The form of advertisement used in this advert is an animation style.
Firstly one of the conventions of advertisement that can be seen is the use of a slogan. But also there is the use of emotional response for the audience. There is also the use of music through out the advert, this is used to add the further dramatic effect the advert is trying to give to the viewer.
This advert is targeted for adults, we call tell this given the serious tone that the advert has with the somber music.
- This advert is used to show road safety around the street, and what the danger is along with the damages it can to you afterwards.
- This advert uses emotional responses in order to drive the point across to the audience. But also the advert uses overt messages in order to make the message clearer to the audience while watching.
- This adverts style is dramatic and serious given the mostly dark colours used for the majority of the adverts animation.
- The style that is used in the advert is animation. But also the advert uses a story line in order to clearer express the point of being safer on the road much clear to the viewers; this is also why the use of animation has been included.
- The advert is trying to give a emotive response given the somber tone of the imagery and narrative, in to further address the message being given to the viewer. The advert also features the use of a slogan and the company' logo, which can be seen at the end of the advert.
- The advert is target for children. The reason i can tell this is because the focus of the advert is the child, and how he has become injured by a car.
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
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