Sunday, 23 November 2014

Music video, draft one evaluation:

 A lot of the shots in the video have came out clearly, while also a lot of them also do show that they match well with scenes from the story boards i drew while planning the music video. The synchronizing of the guitar footage and the backing track are very well executed, in terms of the strumming pattern matching the beat of the tune.While also the the editing matches well with the track, in terms of the energy and pacing required.
However i do feel that some of the close up shots could've been framed better, given how my face tends to go front out of the shot during certain moments of the scenes during the video. But also i need to improve upon the lip syncing for those close up shots, given how some cases where the the track and footage didn't really blend well during the editing of the video.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Uploading and importing my music video

Before uploading my footage, i had to remove the memory card the footage was sorted on, while in the camera. Afterwards i inserted the memory card into the back of the Mac computer i am meant to be editing on. After that, i opened the local share (file of documents saved onto that specific computer) i then opened the file browser for the memory card. I then found the footage i filmed that day, i then copied the files and pasted to my chosen file in local share. In terms of bringing them to the music video, i opened Adobe Premiere, clicked file, then import, to which i searched for the file i placed the clips in, i look for the clip i'm looking for; then i clicked import.

Creating my Music Video: Draft one

The first thing i did after importing my footage and my track, i placed all of the different sections into tracks (or videos as Adobe calls them.) The order was that the close up of my face along with the green screen background was the first track added. Then it was the mid shot guitar scene along with its background, then the next layer was the close of the base of my guitar. I then placed the gym scene above those tracks, then i added the race on top of that. The rest of the other layers are filler and cut away shots, such as: the distortion pedal, the starting pistol and the trophy scene. 
After that i then moved onto the green screen, which i used the effects tools to remove the green screen. I then added new layers to be used to add the colour backgrounds, by adding three layers called 'colour matte'. One colour was yellow, one was blue and the last one was red. I then went to to change the settings of the effect tools, in order to smooth en the green screen, and to hide the creases of the material. 

Before i started to cut the footage, i a lined the clips until the movements of my lips matched up with the lyrics of the tracks; creating the illusion that i'm singing the song. I also did this with the guitar sections; making sure that the strumming patterns matched with the music.  I then cut all of the lip syncing parts into small chunks, in which one line of the song would be captured on screen. With the guitar portion of the song, i split the footage into each bar of the song; one chunk of footage, equals one bar of the guitar music. But also i shorted sections clips, due to chases of me having to walk into frame after setting the camera to film. So i removed the sections of me entering and exiting the camera frame after turning on or heading of to stop recording the camera.I then organised the footage by placing them in a order and removing sections to make the video; and then i made sure it followed in a similar pace to the track of the video.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Film rushes (Music Video):

On the 16th October i went to my home, in which i filmed in the garage where there were some exercise machines. Whilst there i filmed myself doing many different exercises on the machines. These included: pull ups, hitting a punching bag and and working out on a pec deck machine. I've done multiple shots of me doing this exercises from different angles and shots. But also I've done some lip syncing shots and other filler and cut away shots for the video; a lot of which isn't going to be used, after looking back upon them during editing. What went well? For starters, a lot of the shots came out very clearly and capture very thing that would be needed to be caught on frame. However i felt that the lip syncing shots couldn't have been done better, because i felt i could've done a better performance of the song. And that will be the most likely scene for me to re film some point in the future.

After school on the 23rd October, i went to film on the school green screen. Whilst filming on the green screen, i was filming the main lip syncing sections of the song. In which i filmed two sections of a close up of face singing the song. Then i did some shots of me playing the guitar; one of them being a mid shot of me playing the guitar, and then i filmed a close up of the guitars base while playing the song. In terms of the success of the filming, the shots came out well focused and the result was convincing in terms of lip syncing the lyrics and guitar playing. However there were small cases in which my head went out of shot while singing, on the bright side this can edited out. In terms of additional filming i feel that i could add more shots, such scenes of my guitar neck and a amp pedals.

During the half term of the 31st October, me and two friends from out side of school named Matt Watts and Rory Boyd, went down to King Georges field during the afternoon to film the race scene. In which we filmed the scene in which the both of us arriving in the location, prepare for the race and finally the race itself. In which Rory filmed the two us running down a path way to look like a race track. Finally me and Matt went back to my house; in which we filmed a quick scene after i won the race, and i hold up a trophy after the victory. Despite our limited space in the area we were at, the shots came out clear and got the race as best as the camera could, which i felt looked rather well. However there will be a re-shoot that needs to happen. Because before the race starts i was wearing a jacket in the scene, got into positions with it on, and started the race with it of. So we will need to re shoot some of the scenes without my jacket on, and add addtional scene in which i'm seen taking it of.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Vox Pop Questions

Vox Pop Questions:

Please state your name:
1.     How do you keep safe while your online?
       2.     What social Networking sites do you use?
                      3.     What do you think a social messaging campaign is?

                                    4.     What do you expect to see from a social message campaign?