Thursday, 26 June 2014

WWW's and EBI's for editing skills.


  1. I've greatly shown my skills of lip syncing multiple pieces of footage along with a music track. With the majority of the clips matching the timing of the music.
  2. I have shown a understanding of the majority of some of the tools that Premiere uses; such as the razor and the screen scale.
  3. I've also showed that i have understood how the video should be edited from the short amount of work i started so far. To be exact I've shown how one clip should switch from one to the next; in order to match the songs timing.


  1. I feel that i could've showed a much understanding of some of the other tools that Premiere uses.
  2. Despite me doing a good job linking the clips up to the music, there are some examples in the document that show that i could've done a better job at linking up the voices with the music; the actions with what is being said. 
  3. And finally i should have started with the editing of the footage that needs to be at the beginning before the song starts playing over the footage.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Market Research-Competitor Analysis.

Social Message Campaign websites:
The image of this website has a plan background (in this case black) with all the other text and images placed on the background and the layout. The plain colours of the images and text along with the more organised layout is used to make the website look more serious and professional. The image above is off two teenagers in order to clearly show who their targeted audience is, in this case the audience is teenagers. There's also the promotion of  social networking like Facebook and Iphones in order to appeal to the teenage demographic. The use of a bold font on the titles are used to grab the attention of the people looking at the site, and to stand out from the background of the site.
Beat Bullying:

Like the other website this one also features a pain background (in this case grey) but however this site features the use of multiple other colours such as pink, blue, white and black. Unlike the previous website there is more content featured on the home page of the site such as: a chat room, blog updates and latest news on site. Each of which have been organised into their own columns in the centre of the webpage. The bright colours and the use of the cartoon mascots used in the pages are used to aim for a young audience; but also they are used to demonstrate what a particular section is about. For example the mascot with the baseball bat in the third screen shot is meet to symbolise bullying. There is also a page on the site (the third image on the blog) that gives out information for adults, parents and even teachers on how they can help the issues mentioned on the site.
Cyber Safety:
This website uses a more simpler layout of the introduction to the site in the middle of the the page. and all the other categories of the site on the side, which has been done in order to make the layout look more organised.  The colours are also plain as well; with the main three being: grey, blue, yellow and white. All of this has been done in order to make the page look more professional and more serious for older audiences.

The layout of this website has minimal colours to their colour scheme. In the case of this site the colours involve: green, dark green, light grey along with black and white text. This site uses comics, games and videos in order to try give a clear visualization of the messages they're trying to get across on the site. All of that is sorted into small columns on the bottom of the page, while also with links and other features of the site on the middle of the page. The site also mentions that they can be reached through social networks like Twitter or Facebook, which can be used to appeal to a teen audience; just as the name of the site would clearly state.

Based on the research into these three websites, i feel the ways i could improve is to list your information in small columns to link to the full page of the topic on the sites homepage, rather than minimalist information. Also i would give brief examples and information on what are site and campaign does on the homage, rather that titles and links to access the full information on each topic that we would cover and who we are.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Ident first and final analysis

Final ident:
  1. In my opinion, the final draft of mine and Garys Ident is very identical to the original plan i had made with Gary when we first started the project. The basic idea and central plot of the ident is still featured in the finished product. The idea was to have the ident focused on a record player, with music notes spilling out from it and than form into the grid logo. In terms of the visual side of things, it's exactly how we planned the ident to look in our story boards. One of the other original ideas for the making of the ident was also to have the footage made with stop motion animation. This we also ended up using to animate everything: from the record player, the music notes and even the logo for the channel itself.
  2. One of the main differences we've added, is the music choice we ended up using for the ident. Originally we were going to use some rock or metal music, in order to give the channel a energetic feeling to appeal to the younger viewers. However we ended up using some disco music that Gary found online. We have also added a voice over in the beginning of the ident.
  3.  We added the voice over clip in the beginning in order to break the silence that is present during the beginning, until the music starts five seconds into the ident. We have also added the disco music in order for the ident to seem more upbeat and happy in order to catch the attention of viewers that would watching. But also the upbeat tone would suit well with the channel, given the fact that The Grid is a channel that broadcasts comedy's and music.

Media Research description (Hasbro)

Market Research:

For the past several years or so, I’ve been working for the American toy company Hasbro as a part of their UK division. I started as an intern in their market research section of the company; since then I’ve worked to the top as the head of said market research division for the company. We use audience research, production research and market research in order to gather further information about our target audience, and to keep up with they’re interest and wants.

One of our main priorities is to gather audience research. We use in order to see what type of demographic would be interested in buying our product and why. It’s important for my department of the company to do this, so that we can learn and understand what demographic and target audience we should be aiming our products to. This is so that we can learn the age, gender and personal taste of the people we should aim to. Our primary research consists of our division host surveys and focus groups of people we’ve ask to volunteer to take part in our research. Which shows us what type if person would be interested in buying our product. Our goal is to study a given audience and learn why they like a product and why it appeals to them. From there it's a matter of using said data and incorporating it into our advertisements and marketing to our target audience. We often interview parents in our surveys and focus groups. We ask them what they look for in a product to buy for their children. This allows our department to ensure that these qualities will be featured in the campaign.

Here at Hasbro an important tool we use is market research. Our company uses market research in order for our research department to gain an understanding of the market for the product we are selling, and how our competitors sell and market to their customers. This in turn helps us to boost our sales.  We use market research a lot in our department; we use it in order to study many different campaigns selling similar products to ours. Also we learn other information such as the price to sell the product at and how much profit we can make when selling it. We gather our information by researching the advertisements used in previous campaigns, we look for the feedback to see how people will respond to our campaign. We also look into the time scheduling to see when it would an appropriate time to broadcast our advertisement. We even research the statics of products similar to one we are trying to sell. This involves the sells figures and reviews of said products in order to see what can be added from said products or even improved.

We find it important to conduct production research before constructing our campaign before we start advertising our products. With this research we are able to figure out: where we will film the advertisements. Not only that, but our research allows to see who be featuring in the advertising campaign itself and who be filming it, building our sets and props; and what equipment will be needed to set build and set up all of the props and scenery will need; along with the cameras, audio equipment and editing software needed. And then there’s advertising such as poster, in which we also need to figure out the cost to hire people to take the pictures, graphic designers, the people to edit the finished posters together and finally the equipment they’ll need.