The music video Conventions in the video:
- The artist of the song are involved in the majority of the music video
- The artist are performing the song, by playing their instruments like drums
- The bands main singer is singing along with the lyrics by lip syncing.
- The singer is singing the songs in close up of his face, whether they'd be a side or front view of his face, along with some mid shots only seeing the top half of his body.
- The main singer of the band looks directly at the audience and into the camera having eye contact with the audience, which is addressing the video to them.
- Slow motion is used during the video, an example would be when the band are playing and when the dancers can be seen in the chorus of the song. Where they moving slower then the tune itself.
- The video cutting between three different locations. These being: a group of dancers in a rave, the band in a studio and an object in space. In each verse and chorus will switch between two of each location.
- The video starts when the music starts and ends at the same time when the music stops.
- This video uses a wide variety of shots. From close ups of the singer and drummer and the wide shots of the singer in front of the wall of amps.
- There are high angle shots being used in the video, but mostly on the dancers and the drummer.
- At each bar change, the shot type will change as well cutting from one thing to another through out the video. And it'll do this to the beat of the tune.
- Most of the the video is filmed in a studio with scenes like the performance of the band or the dancers. While other shots are animated, particularly the shots in space.
- The video has uses its editing cuts in order to create a fast sense of dynamic energy, especially with a tune like this.
- The camera also has a lot of movements as well to create a dynamic look. These includes panning shots of the whole band, the animated segments, panning shots of the drummer and shaky movements to show the high energy the beat has.